Your high fidelity tool for
high fidelity training
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Innovations for life

High Fidelity      Essential

LEONARDO HF is our adult patient simulator designed to support the most challenging tasks in healthcare education. It has accumulated the results of the years of our work in the designing and improvement of medical simulators. With lifelike patient physiology, compatibility with a real ventilator and defibrillator, high durability, etc., the simulator will support you in getting better results each time you deliver your training.

  • Wireless and tetherless technology supporting wired connection
  • Removable internal high-capacity battery (up to 12 hrs of tetherless operation)
  • Realistic, seamless skin
  • Durable materials suitable for repeated use of all the features of Leonardo
  • Anatomically accurate upper airway supporting intubation
  • Virtual anesthesia machine
  • Mechanical ventilation using a real medical ventilator
  • Compatibility with a real defibrillator
  • Realistic articulation of limbs
  • Realistic musculoskeletal structure
  • Lifelike height (180 cm) and weight (60.5 kg)

Lifelike face

Dark skin

Various trauma modules

Leonardo - Adult patient simulator

Leonardo is a durable and easy-to-use adult patient simulator designed for high-quality simulation training in basic to advanced medical procedures, clinical team development and patient case management.

Extensive functionality, combined with the ability to use your own medical devices, will enable learners to fully immerse and challenge themselves as they put their individual and team skills to the test in time-critical emergency scenarios.

Vital signs

Pulse palpation (12 points)

Monitoring blood pressure

Pulse of the radial artery

Craft your own scenarios using our intuitive software or choose from many others, carefully created by our own simulation specialists.

Intubation of the upper respiratory tract

Head tilt

Jaw thrust



Orotracheal intubation

ET tube

Automatic drug, injected volume and speed recognition

Intravenous injections

Pupillary light reflex

Various pupil size

Pupillary response


Machine ventilation

Perform mechanical ventilation with a real ventilator. Our proprietary software makes it possible to set compliance and resistance for a complete clinical case. Pressure/volume control, APRV, HFOV, PEEP (5-20cm H2O)


Comprehensive and intuitive virtual anesthesia machine helps you train and test.

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation

ECG monitoring

Chest compressions

Defibrillation with a real device

Choose a heart rhythm from our library.
Want something more specific?
With our software it is very easy to create any rhythm.


Our bedside monitor is a powerful, flexible, multifunctional tool to compliment your training, with Intuitive touch-sensitive controls and high-definition graphics.

Our bedside monitor is based on a real one for deeper immersion


  • Anatomically accurate upper airway
  • Orotracheal and nasotracheal intubation
  • Head tilt, chin lift, jaw thrust
  • Laryngeal mask airway insertion
  • Pneumothorax and hydrothorax
  • Sellick manoeuvre
  • Positive pressure ventilation
  • Programmable airway resistance
  • Pharyngeal airflow obstruction
  • Esophageal intubation
  • BVM ventilation
  • Cyanosis and acrocyanosis
  • Bilateral chest rise and fall
  • Programmable bilateral bronchi resistance
  • Intubation depth detection and logging
  • Imitation of trismus, tonic and clonic seizures
  • Tongue edema
  • Laryngospasm
  • Spontaneous breathing
  • Programmable respiratory complications
  • Programmable respiratory rate
  • Respiratory rate synced to patient monitor vital signs
  • Programmable chest rise and fall
  • Mechanical ventilation (PCV and VCV) PEEP (up to 40 cm H2O)
  • Variable bronchi resistance
  • Audible needle decompression with realistic feedback
  • Auscultation of heart sounds (5 points), lung anterior sounds (5 points), lung posterior sounds (4 points), bowel sounds (4 points)
  • Independent normal/abnormal heart sounds
  • Independent normal/abnormal lung sounds
  • Normal/abnormal bowel sounds
  • Auscultation of Korotkoff sounds
  • Programmable bilateral chest rise and fall, synced with breathing
  • Convulsions
  • Programmable blinking
  • Programmable pupils
  • Rich library of ECG rhythms
  • ECG heart rate of 20 to 200 bpm
  • Real ECG electrodes
  • Anatomically accurate landmarks to position your hands for chest compressions
  • Chest compressions
  • Defibrillation, cardioversion and cardiac pacing using real devices
  • Defibrillator pads correct placement and logging
  • Defibrillation in manual and automatic modes
  • Successful compressions with their logging and effect on HR and ECG
  • Cyanosis
  • Programmable pulse strength
  • Realistic chest compressions
  • Automatic activity log, displaying all user actions
  • Depth, frequency, hands placement assessment and log
  • Ventilation volume
  • Manual configuration of CPR protocols
  • Printable detailed CPR assessment
  • Intravenous injections (preinstalled catheter)
  • Intraosseous access (tibia)
  • Rich library of vocal sounds (moaning, coughing, pre-recorded words and phrases)
  • Use of a microphone to transmit information through the simulator
  • Realistic teeth, soft cheeks and gums
  • Pre-installed themes, scenarios, programs and the Scenario Constructor software to design your own scenario
  • Realistic bone structure, palpable ribs, kneecaps and many more
  • Secretion: sweat, tears, ear discharge, oral secretions, urine and bleeding

Leonardo models comparison table

Essential HF
Airway obstruction + +
Orotracheal intubation + +
Nasotracheal intubation + +
Retrograde intubation + +
Intubation of right main/left bronchus +/- +
Fiberoptic intubation + +
Gastric intubation + +
BVM + +
Transtracheal jet ventilation + +
Positive pressure ventilation - +
Airway placement (LMA, LTA, Combitube) + +
Lung compliance (0-100%) + +
Lung resistance (0-100%) + +
Endotracheal tubes – insertion, fixation and care + +
Cricothyrotomy + +
Cricoid pressure + +
Vomiting imitation + +
Suction + +
Airway complications
Tongue edema + +
Pharyngeal obstruction + +
Proper head position sensor + +
Laryngospasm - +
Trismus - +
Airway obstruction modelling + +
Foreign body obstruction + +
Spontaneous breathing + +
Chest rise and fall + +
Normal and pathological breath sounds + +
Lung sounds + +
Lung sounds during ventilation - +
Lung sounds synced with respiratory rate + +
Programmable lung sounds + +
Posterior auscultation + +
SpO2 + +
Needle decompression + * +
Chest drainage + +
Unilateral spontaneous breathing + +
Cyanosis - +
Ever-growing ECG library + +
ECG monitoring (4 points) + +
Heart sounds auscultation + +
ECG and heart sounds sync + +
Defibrillation (manual / automatic) + +
Manual ECG settings + +
Pacing - +
Defib pads correct placement + +
Blood circulation
Pulse palpation points 10 12
Adjustable pulse strength + +
Pulse and ECG sync + +
Pulse palpation detailed log + +
Pulse strength synced with BP + +
Korotkoff tones + +
Pulse oximeter + +
IV access (intravenous) + +
Drug recognition with dose and injection speed + +
IO access (intraosseous) + +
IM injections (intramuscular) - +
Automatic and programmable physiological responses + +
Pupillary light reflex + +
Variable size pupils + +
Blinking (slow, normal, excessive) + +
Open, half-open or closed eyes - +
Conforming to 2010-2015 guidlines + +
Realistic compressions + +
Anatomical landmarks + +
Depth, frequency, hands placement assessment and log + +
Head tilt/chin lift with sensors + +
Realistic vital parameters change during and after CPR + +
Other functions
Full body manikin + +
Realistic joint mobility + +
Foley catheterization + +
Urine output - +
Secretion (eyes, ears, nose, mouth) - +
Diaphoresis Extrication/Immobilization - +
Immobilization + +
Bowel sounds auscultation + +
Abdominal distension + +
Trauma module (wound and fracture) - +
Bleeding - +
Limb trauma (optional) + +
Extra kit of trauma straps + +
Patient speech (screaming, moaning etc.) + +
Microphone for instructor to simulate patient speech + +
“Instructor” software
Wireless remote control + +
Automatic scenarios + +
Programmed scenarios + +
Manual mode + +
Themed scenarios + +
Trainee database for debriefing + +
Video debriefing, synced with activity log + +
Detailed CPR reports + +
“Bedside monitor” software
Wireless remote control + +
Modular and configurable + +
6 waves + +
More than 30 parameters + +
FullHD screen + +
CT, MRI, videos + +
Anesthesia machine simulation + +
Mechanical ventilator simulation + +
Scenario constructor
Create and manage scenarios + +
Add new actions + +
ECG software
Create and manage new ECG graphs - +
Equipment kit
Adult human patient simulator + +
Bedside monitor + +
Laptop + +
Defibrillator adapter + +
Syringe imitators + +
BP monitoring kit + +
Consumables kit + +
Service instrument kit + +
Headphones + +
Refill bottles - +
Webcam + +

* Right mid clavicular

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